How to stop your cat spraying


How to stop cat spraying inside house?

4 Top Tips To Stop Cat Spraying


Clean all cat marks

  • With warm water and soap (enzymatic wash) or alcohol
  • Let the area dry
  • Do not use bleach! Ammonia-based or bleach cleaners will attract your cat to spray again

Stop Cat spraying with FELIWAY Optimum

  • Clinically proven to help reduce spraying
  • You should see an improvement within the first week
  • Continue to use for at least one month

Adhere to the litter box guidelines

  • One per cat
  • Easy to access
  • Locate away from food and water
  • Always clean: Scooped daily and cleaned weekly

Check your cat’s health

  • In some cases an underlying medical condition can cause cats to spray
  • Check with your vet if signs continue
cat spraying and how to stop it

We recommend:


If cat spraying occurs in multiple areas, plug the diffuser in the room where cat spends most of his time

FELIWAY Classic Spray

If cat spraying occurs in one single area, spray here once daily

Why Do Cats Spray?

All cats, male or female, neutered or not, will mark out their territory with spraying. Normally this is rare and discrete. But sometimes cat spraying becomes visible and upsetting especially when cats spray their owner's bed or duvet. Cat Spraying is an indication that your cat is not fully content with life.

It can be a reaction due to Recent changes at home or conflict with other cats to understand this fully, read Why do cats spray? What does spraying look like to see all the reasons why.

It can also be due to a medical issue. So if your cat is spraying indoors, consider visiting the vet for advice. In older cats is is recommended to have regular vet checks every 6 months.

FELIWAY Optimum is clinically proven to help reduce unwanted cat spraying. The “happy messages” will help your cat feel relaxed and comfortable in it’s environment and help to reduce unwanted cat spraying.

Continuous use of a FELIWAY Optimum  will help prevent any relapse of cat spraying in the house. Especially if your cat is sensitive to any change within the home.

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How to get rid of a cat spraying smell

Before or after you have got your kitty to stop peeing in the home you will want to remove the odour it can leave. So we have full article on how to get rid of a cat spraying smell with 6 different tips.

This is in addition to our advice on How to clean cat spray at top of the page.

How to Stop A Neutered Cat From Spraying

In fact under the right circumstances all cats will spray whether they are neutered or spayed or not. Many people think it is just a male or tom cat issue.

However one of the benefits of neutering is the reduction in spraying so it can be surprising if your neutered cat starts spraying.

If this does occur read our detailed advice on How to Stop a Neutered Cat from Spraying with specific steps to take.

Why Is Your Cat Urinating in Home Suddenly

Everything is fine and then out of no where your cat started peeing in the home, help!

The reasons for this sudden change can be numerous so best to see 5 Reasons Why Might Your Cat Urinating In House to understand it further.