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My cat hides when we have visitors

Guide to help your cat cope with visitors and parties

4 Expert Tips to help your cat cope with visitors


Cats hate change 

  • Parties, celebrations and houseguests are great fun for us, but bring a lot of disruption for your cat 
  • Lots of noise, moved furniture, different people, altered family routines can be stressful for cats 


  • Releases happy messages (calming feline pheromones) into your home for 7 days 
  • Simply plug in the room where your cat will spend their time during the planned event 
  • FELIWAY Help! covers 50m2 

Peace and quiet 

  • Make sure your cat has a room that is away from the noise and change 
  • Have elevated places and/or hiding places in this room for your cat 
  • Make sure everyone knows to leave your cat undisturbed when they are in this place 
  • Ensure your cat can still access their food, water, litter tray and scratching posts easily without having to interact with your guests 

Visitor tips 

  • Ask visitors to let your cat come to them, to not stare at your cat and stroke their head or neck 
  • Have treats and toys at hand that your visitors can interact with your cat in a positive way 

We recommend:


FELIWAY Help is ideal for temporary stressful situations like planned parties and visitors

Further advice

To really help you understand why cats don't always enjoy visitors coming? we have written an article from the cats point of view. From this you will see that by providing for your cat's needs can maintain their happiness. 

One of the most challenging times for cats can be Christmas with many changes in the home and many visitors. For this very special time read about the how different Christmas situations are to your cat. And some further suggestions to help you cat cope and be happy at this festive time of year. 

Cats tend to hide if things get too much for them. This is their way of coping and to understand more about cat hiding read our article, why do cats hide and what you can do about it. This will help you extract your cat from their hiding and back to their normal happy catty self. 

FELIWAY Help! is ideal for temporary stressful situations, one cartridge lasts for 7 days, so is ideal to help reduce signs of cat stress when you have visitors or are planning a party.