FELIWAY Survey: Your cat during lockdown

covid survey

FELIWAY is deeply involved in feline well-being and stress-management. As such, we would like to fully understand what are the impacts of this crisis on our beloved cats.

The insights of this survey will help us as a brand to learn more about cats and what can be a source of stress for them.

It will take you 5 minutes maximum.

Information Notice
The personal information collected is intended for Ceva Santé Animale, and Ceva group companies, in order to manage your request. This information may be passed on to service providers in order to organize this management. In accordance with the Regulations on personal data you have rights of access, rectification and limitation of processing of your data. You may also, in certain limited cases, oppose the treatment, withdraw your consent and request the deletion and portability of your data. For any request relating to your personal data please go to this page.